Go ahead and try to find a college campus event that doesn’t have tons of promotional products to pass out. You’d most likely be out of luck.
You can find the education industry on the list of Top 10 purchasers of promo products. That's no surprise when you think about how much opportunity there is. You've got K-12 teachers and college professors, students, seminars, college sporting events, freshmen orientation. The list could go on and on.
Looking for the best promo items for the education industry? We've rounded up our own top 10 collection of products that are great for students and teachers alike.
1. Drawstring Backpacks
Drawstring bags are practical for college students, whether they use them to carry a change of clothes for the campus gym or throw in a few textbooks on the way to class.
2. Lanyards & Badge Holders
New students need to get used to carrying a school ID around, and lanyards are a great way to get them into the habit. As for more seasoned students and professors, badge holders are a professional solution for keeping your ID handy at seminars.
3. Coffee Travel Mugs
Busy teachers and professors need their caffeine fix just as much as students who have been up all night studying. A sturdy travel mug will do the trick.
4. Pens
Not all editing can be done on a keyboard. Teachers need plenty of ink to make corrections on those papers, why not make it a promotional pen?
5. USB Flash Drives
No more “I forgot my homework” excuses! A USB flash drive makes it pretty difficult to misplace papers when you can have files on you at all times. Sorry, kids.
6. Stress Relievers
Whether you’re the student or the teacher, school is stressful. Keeping a promotional stress reliever in a desk drawer helps you get through those difficult days.
7. Padfolio
This handy padfolio combines all the necessities in one organized case. You can take notes and prop up tablets for a professional presentation.
8. Foam School Spirit Hands
School spirit forms a sense of community. Students can show their spirit even more by getting into the game with promotional foam hands. Great for high school or college pep rallies, football games, and more.
9. Highlighters
These fun triangular highlighters combine three colors in one. Just what students need for those late night study sessions.
10. Totes
Not into the drawstring bags? Totes are a great alternative for carrying school supplies, laptops, and more.
You can find all these promo products, and more, right here at Connecticut Advertising!
Drawstring bag:
The Graduate - Drawstring Backpack - DS1518
2. Lanyard: 1/2-Inch Breakaway Lanyard with Key Ring - 65152
Badge Holder: Promo Retractable Badge Holder
3. Coffee Travel Mug: Stainless Deal Tumbler 16 oz. - 45359
4. Pens: Chiller Pen - 55300
5. USB Flash Drive: Executive Flash Drive 8GB - 1695-17
6. Stress Reliever: Stress Soccer Ball - SSOC
7. Padfolio: Case Logic® Berkeley Tech Padfolio - 8150-72
8. Foam Hand: 12" #1 Foam Hand - FH12E
9. Highlighter: TRIMARK - Triangular Highlighter - H93
10. Tote: Excel Sport Meeting Tote - 8200-04